Monday, January 17, 2011

Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics

The latest strategies for investigating cyber-crime.

Identify and investigate computer criminals of all stripes with help from this fully updated. real-world resource. Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics, Second Edition explains how to construct a high-tech forensic lab, collect prosecutable evidence, discover e-mail and system file clues, track wireless activity, and recover obscured documents. Learn how to re-create an attacker?s footsteps, communicate with council, prepare court-ready reports, and work through legal and organizational challenges. Case studies straight from today?s headlines cover IP theft, mortgage fraud, employee misconduct, securities fraud, embezzlement, organized crime, and consumer fraud cases.
* Effectively uncover, capture, and prepare evidence for investigation
* Store and process collected data in a highly secure digital forensic lab
* Restore deleted documents, partitions, user activities, and file systems
* Analyze evidence gathered from Windows, Linux, and Macintosh systems
* Use the latest Web and client-based e-mail tools to extract relevant artifacts
* Overcome the hacker?s anti-forensic, encryption, and obscurity techniques
* Unlock clues stored in cell phones, PDAs, and Windows Mobile devices
* Prepare legal documents that will hold up to judicial and defense scrutiny

1 comment:

  1. Computer forensics is when someone analyzes information that is in a computer system and/or devices. Information may be created or it may be contained inside the system. Thanks for sharing.

    Computer Forensics
